Dublin Scioto 

Outdoor Track & Field


In order for athletes to participate, they must complete the following:

  1. Physical on file with the athletic trainers

  2. Parent and student forms on FinalForms

  3. Covid waiver

General Info:

  1. We make every effort to be flexible for athletes to participate in as many activities as possible. We will be flexible for club sports, AAU, and jobs but we do expect athletes to participate in as much track practice as possible. When a competition and a practice are scheduled at the same time, we expect the competition to be priority. However, the following meets are MANDATORY despite other activities: OCC, District, Region, State. Please mark these down on your calendars now to prevent conflicts.

  2. Private Coaches: they are welcome to attend meets but must remain in the stands and may not disrupt practice or competitions in any way.

  3. Music, Clubs, Awards, Appointments: please look ahead and let your coaches know when you have other activities scheduled and give us several days notice.

  4. DCS Co-Curricular Activity Code: the expectation is that everyone will behave appropriately and maintain academics so that this will not be an issue. In addition to the outlined penalties you may forfeit your position on the team (relays, varsity position, etc). The code can be found at: www.dublinschools.net/Downloads/co-curricular%20handbook2.pdf

  5. Attendance: is mandatory. Greater than three absences or excessive tardiness will result in loss of varsity positions, relay positions, entries, dismissal from the team, etc. This is at the discretion of the coaching staff.

  6. Come prepared for the weather every day. You will be dismissed from practice if you are unprepared and this will result in an unexcused absence.

  7. You must be at school and practice the day before and day of a competition in order to compete.

  8. Music in the weight room needs to be edited and at a reasonable volume

  9. Injuries: realize that you will be sore. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the difference between soreness and an injury. Please let us know sooner than later if you feel that you are injured so that we can get treatment early.

  10. Please be respectful of our equipment. We are lucky to have lots of equipment at our disposal, lets keep it all usable!

  11. Athletes will have the opportunity to request a uniform size and will be issued a uniform. Uniforms need to be returned no later than the awards banquet at the end of the season (unless you are still competing)

  12. We will practice before pictures

  13. We would like athletes to ride the bus to and from competitions so that they can support their teammates. We understand things come up and you may need to come late or leave early. You will need to fill out a transportation form and turn in to coaching staff prior to the event.

  14. Come to meets prepared: water, jersey, shoes, spikes, equipment, snacks, money for snacks, etc.

  15. DO NOT BE LATE TO THE BUS. We will leave at the posted time, I suggest arriving 10-15 minutes early.

  16. Pay to play is $50 and due no later than APRIL 7th and can be paid via EZ PAY or cash/check to the athletic office. Please to not give money or checks to your coaches, take it directly to the athletic office.